Thursday, September 8, 2016

9-5-2016 San Jose, California

Apple headquarters are located in Cupertino, near San Jose.  The main buildings on this large corporate campus line a circular drive called Infinite Loop.  

Number One, the largest building, and Number Six.

In San Jose we stopped at the Winchester House, built continuously at the turn of the century by the heiress to the Winchester Rifle fortune.  She believed that as long as she continued to remodel the home she would be safe from the spirits of those who were killed by the Winchester rifle.  The result is a house with 160 rooms, 10,000 windows, 2,000 doors, and stairs that lead nowhere. 

We drove past a branch of the San Jose Public Library.

Our next stop was the Rosicrucian Egyptian Museum with its stunningly accurate reproductions of ancient Egyptian architecture and statuary…

…bottle-brush flowers…

…and a goldfish pond.

The original Mission of San Jose, built in 1797, was destroyed by an earthquake in 1868.  This most recent reconstruction was completed in 1985.

Some of the original, hand-carved statuary was saved and placed in the reconstructed church.

We stopped at a unique McDonald’s in the San Jose Mission area,…

…perhaps the only McDonald’s with Gregorian Chant inscribed on the wall.

We arrived at Half Moon Bay beach in time to set up our tent before sunset.


  1. What a view from your tent! Love it.

    1. Thanks, it was a great view. Half Moon Bay is gorgeous, and also just a spit away from the San Andreas fault line.

  2. I took a pic of the bottle brush flower back in 2000 when i was in san francisco, had no idea what kind of plant it was. I can't believe I learned a plant from you Jim. What is this world coming too?!

  3. You didn't learn it from me; Anne knew what the bottle-brush flower was. My specialties are swear words and perversions.
