Friday, September 9, 2016

9-8, 2016, Carmel, California

As we headed south on Highway 1 along the California coast we wondered whether these cows appreciated the view from their dinner table... much as we appreciated the view from our car.

An artichoke farm.

The Fransican padre, Junipero Serra, was instrumental in establishing nine missions in California in the late 1700s.  He was headquartered, died and is buried at the Mission in Carmel.  The mission church was constructed with unusual, beautiful catenary arches.

California's first library was brought to Carmel Mission by Padre Serra and consisted of 30 handed-down and well-circulated volumes from San Fernando Apostolic College in Mexico City.  The collection shown here includes some of those original volumes.

A walk along Carmel's Scenic Drive provided some beautiful views...

...and some entertaining young men posing for drone photos.

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