Sunday, August 21, 2016

8-21-2016 Cheyenne, Wyoming

We left Kearney and took a side trip to Gothenburg, Nebraska, where we were surprised to find a Carnegie library.

In addition to being located near the original Transcontinental railway, the Oregon Trail and the Mormon Trail, Gothenburg was a stop on the Pony Express and has preserved the original station.

At times, I-80 runs parallel to US Rt 30 and the Union Pacific railway.

We know the landscape of Nebraska is dry, but we were surprised to find...

As we neared the Wyoming border, the flat landscape of Nebraska gave way to...

And then came Wyoming...

We are spending Sunday night in Cheyenne and on Monday will take Happy Jack Road into the mountains.

TRAVEL TIP Don't stay in parks after they close or you may get wet.


  1. I like it that you find libraries when you stop somewhere; I like it that there still are libraries out there. Wyoming looks dramatic! Are you going to visit Medicine Bow National Forest? Is it still warm over in Cheyenne? Have you pitched your tent yet? Inquiring minds etc.

  2. When we drove Happy Jack Road, we crossed part of the huge Medicine Bow Forest. Weather has been warm, but not hot. Rain, bears and mountain lions have kept us from pitching our tent so far.
