Tuesday, August 23, 2016

8-22, 2016 Rock Springs, Wyoming

Before heading west, we stopped at the Nelson Museum of the West in Cheyenne, and spotted this mural on the way out of town.

We headed for Laramie on Happy Jack Road, named for "Happy Jack" Allen, a local lawman and, according to the Nelson Museum, "a straight shooter."

Before reaching Laramie, we stopped to see the Ames Monument, erected in 1882 by the Union Pacific to honor Oliver and Oakes Ames who played major roles in construction of the transcontinental railway.  The massive granite pyramid is surrounded by miles of desolate, wind-blown landscape.

 We had lunch in Laramie where we saw a flying bicycle outside a bike shop.

 TRAVEL WARNING:  Don't even think about stealing a bicycle in Wyoming.

 Lone cow on the range.

And as we continued driving, we knew we were in The West.

Travel Tease:  Dinosaurs

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