On our way to the Visitor's Information Center, this guy fell out of the sky.
Mormons believe that the angel Moroni appeared to church founder Joseph Smith in 1823 and gave him several golden tablets. Smith's translation of these tablets became the foundation of the Book of Mormon. This 22-carat gold-plated representation of the angel sits atop the Temple in Salt Lake City.
The Mormon Temple, topped by the statue of Moroni.
The Mormon Tabernacle
We were fortunate to attend an organ recital in the Tabernacle. The acoustics and organ are incredible.
A statue near the Temple that commemorates those Mormon pioneers who could not afford a wagon and oxen, so made the 1,300 mile trek from Nauvoo, Illinois, pulling a hand cart.
A view of the Utah state capitol from the top of the church office building.
The beehive is an important symbol of the Utah state motto, "Industry."
We found this guy roaming the grounds near the state capitol.
The City Library--the Salt Lake City Public Library.
The interior atrium of the library, lined by shops and cafes, including a library store.
The facade of the library, which faces a large public plaza with fountains...
...and a six-story ramp leading to the roof garden.
View of the Wasatch Mountains from the roof garden.
Love the scenic views